Amanda Keeles explores her “Saving Grace” with her latest release, and opens up about her plans for 2024.

Photo credit: Jorge Polio

Written by: Gracie Lowes

Canadian Country Artist Amanda Keeles is celebrating her last release of 2023 with her new single “Saving Grace.”

From its melodic chorus and emotional lyrics the new track has something for everyone to love.

The artists drew inspiration for the heartwarming song from stories of finding happiness and peace in the memories of long-lost love.

I had the chance to sit down (virtually) with Amanda Keeles and talk to her about her latest release, what fans can expect from her music, future projects and more.

You can read the full interview below.

Gracie Lowes: Congratulations on your new single, ‘Saving Grace’ how has that release been for you in the days building up to it and now having it out and having people react to it?

Amanda Keeles: “It has been a real ride this year. This is my third single, I think that now people are starting to get familiar with my music a little bit. They're starting to recognize my name a little bit more. But this song had more of a pop blend to it, so it's being picked up across several genres, and the streaming has been great and the YouTube video has been played a lot too. So considering that it's only been out for a couple of weeks it's been a really interesting release this time. I think the first one was kind of a learning curve for me, just seeing how the industry works, and how radio tracking works. But I'm getting into my third release now, and I think that I'm starting to get a lot of momentum going, so I'm pleased with how this one is taking off.”

Gracie: How did you decide that this was going to be your next release? Because I know that singers write a lot of different songs and it's a long process to pick just one.

Amanda: “When choosing songs for my album I focused on ones that I think differentiate from the other songs. So when you hear my upcoming album, there is not one song that sounds like the other. I have one, you know, my first single was very, it had a real classic country vibe to it and the second one was more of a power ballad. So when I was thinking of the third release I thought, okay, I've kind of done those two different kinds of songs, so I thought this time, let's do kind of a pop country.”

Gracie: I know that you previously said that this song is about finding happiness and peace in memories of lost love. What was your creative process like when making this song? And what do you hope that listeners take from it?

Amanda: ‘Saving Grace’, I always say, can mean so many different things to people. It can be that happy space that you go to, it can be thinking of a person, it can be thinking of a time in their life when they were happy, and it can even be a greater belief. But in my story, when I was writing it, I was thinking, ‘Okay, where do I go when I feel in that space,’ and so I started to write around the story of kind of that euphoric feeling. The feeling of being in love for the first time. And, I say in the song, ‘When I think of you, I close my eyes because you are my saving grace.’ That’s the kind of place that I go to. And the music video captures that story and kind of tells the, you know, the story leading up to where that euphoric feeling would come from. So, when I say that it got picked up across many different Spotify genres, country, some R&B Spotify playlists, it's been picked up by some Christian playlists, it makes me think, ‘you know what, a lot of different people are getting something out of this in a different way,’ which is really neat.”

Gracie: That must be nice to have that as an artist.

Amanda: “It really is. It just kind of shows me that people are getting a message from it, but they're each kind of taking it in their own way.”

Gracie: If you could describe your upcoming music or yourself in three words, what would they be?

Amanda: “Oh my gosh, in three words, I would say… you know what, the title track of my album is Can't Stop Me Now, and that title track song is gonna be the first release in 2024. I know that's four words, but that really sums it up. I made some huge, huge decisions in my life within the last couple of years that have kind of taken me on the path I'm on right now. I've been singing and writing music my whole life, but there was a large time in my life when I had to put that aside. I was in a marriage that did not feel that same passion and did not understand, I don't think he wanted me to do it, (to be in the music industry) so I did put it aside for a very, very long time. Unfortunately, I'm not married anymore, that ended many years ago, but then the music started coming back out of me again, and I started writing. And I thought, okay, now there isn't anything that can stop me from doing this, from writing and playing my music, going out and performing, recording. So I walked away from a very lucrative finance position this year, and I'm focusing on doing my music, and I am absolutely loving it. 2024 is when the shows begin, city by city, my band and I have already got venues booked through Ontario, so we are going to hit the ground running in February. So I know it's four words, but I would say can't stop me now.”

Gracie: I love that. I think you have such a powerful story and you've only just started your career, what are some of the dream goals that you have for your future?

Amanda: “I want to get out and do my shows. The band and I have been in rehearsals for several months now, we're perfecting our show to make sure that it's a solid and great performance. But I just want to get out and play my music, show people who I am, show them my songs, and make my way in the industry. It's a tough industry, there are a lot of people who can put out music now with the touch of a button, everybody can put anything on Spotify, and anybody can put anything on iTunes. So, yeah you know people say it's a tough grind to get to the point where people start to notice you. My next step is getting out, and starting to play live and letting people see what I can do because hearing somebody and watching a video is one thing, but seeing them live is a different experience.”


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